It’s still super hot here, so I just wanted to do something small and then go hide inside.  I started by scuffing up the fiberglass tape that I put on yesterday.  Sounds easier than it was because the ends of all those strips of tape turn into tiny fiberglass needles.  I got one in thumb and it hurt! I was a lot more careful after that.  Then I grabbed a foam roller and chip brush and went to town on it!

From the front
The side where the cooler is going
Another view of that
Can’t paint the left side yet
Also still need to make the floor that covers the water tank in the dinette
It’s looking more and more like a thing!

The bright white paint really brightens the interior up!  This fiberglass really soaks up the paint though.  This is 2 quarts and I’m going to need a third to finish the galley and rest of the interior.  The real white paint just covers so much better when the primer is nice.

Because there is only room for one to paint, Jason cut a piece of wood that the battery will sit on and tie down to inside the galley.  I noticed the thick piece of plywood the other day while doing something behind my truck! It will work perfectly!

Got my safety sandals on.

So for the longest time my cats were indoor only cats.  This lasted until the parents moved in with us and mom would take her beer out onto the patio to enjoy the outside world.  My black cat would sit at the door and cry and pitch a fit until she let him outside.  Now he wants outside all freaking day long.

Both of them want outside for “Miller Time”

Also, they’re both huge cats and the only thing keeping them inside the patio is a small, flimsy, unlockable baby gate.  The gray cat wants nothing to do with being outside and the black one would looooove to escape and come hang out with me in the camper, but he literally cannot figure out that he can jump over the gate or just push it open and walk out.

Trapped forever
Foiled again…

So yeah, in summary: I painted and my cats are idiots.