First thing this morning I sanded the excess epoxy from the aluminum trim installation we finished up last night.  It’s supposed to be super hot today so I wanted that done before the sun started beating down on me! That aluminum gets hot!

Unfortunately, Jason has to go on a work field trip today, leaving me by myself to continue working on the camper.  Since it’s so hot I’m trying to take multiple breaks and drink an obscene amount of water.  I decided that I wanted to start installing the interior today.  I already had most of the pieces cut and everything cleaned up and ready to go.  All that was left was to just cut some fiberglass tape and get started!

I had to improvise and hold this support piece in with my foot until the glue set.
I love those landscaping rocks. So useful!
So many little strips of glass
One side down
Other side done!

So now the main structure for the dinette seat backs are glassed into place as is the structure for the dinette “floor” where the water tank will be held.

two of the floor pieces with a layer of fiberglass for extra strength.
One side is glued in!
Other side glued in! This one gets TWO rocks!

So now that I have the floor in place, it’s time to start gluing in the actual seats!

One of the forward supports. Good use of recycled foam…
Another rock holding the seat in place!
Here’s a view inside the water tank. I rounded that wood edge off so it won’t cut the tank. It turned out way better than I thought it would!
Have to wait for these things to dry before I can keep going.
Left side now drying
Fiberglass tape all cut and ready to go.

So I was getting a ton of fiberglassing done, but since it’s so hot outside, the epoxy that was inside my foam rollers started to set up.  It got super hot (like, I could not touch it!) and then started smoking.  This has happened 3 times! Now I’m out of rollers and I’m not done with my fiberglass! 🙁 I guess that’s a sign that I need to take a break for a few hours until it cools down a little bit!

I don’t know if you can really see the smoke in the picture, but it’s there!

I managed to avoid a lot of the traffic that always builds up by Lowe’s by making an excellent bacon, guacamole, cheese, turkey sandwich and enjoying that for an hour or so.  Made a quick run to grab a bunch of rollers and some more chip brushes, just in case!  I managed to at least finish up the fiberglass on the dinette area and learned another lesson…  Obviously, the hot weather isn’t making my life easier with the fiberglassing, but I noticed that the cans of epoxy are just sitting in the shed roasting in the direct sunlight.  I think this extra heat is causing the epoxy to set up way way faster than usual.  I need to keep the door closed or rig up a shade of some kind for the afternoon sun.

Mission accomplished!
There will be a table in the middle that folds down.

So tomorrow all of that will be dry and I can carry on with my painting and start designing the galley cabinets and structure!

It’s actually starting to feel like a camper now and it’s really cool to see!  Still waiting on a few electrical boxes, but once those get here we’re going to design a main electrical panel that will go in the left side seat cabinet.  It should look super sharp and professional! (and hide some of my ugly fiberglass work and glue runs…)