So it’s been super hot for a couple weeks in a row now.  I’ve spent all weekend every weekend and most week nights outside in the sun working on the camper.  I’m getting pretty tired!  Today was hot as well, but made worse by the fact that my building at work doesn’t have AC or really even any air circulation. It was like sitting in a sauna all day long, so the last thing I really wanted to do today was go outside and stand in the sun some more.

Even my cats think it’s hot!

Either way, I have to do *something* and I wanted to get the primer on as much of the camper as I can so I can actually paint the roof soon.  With the heat, today was a pretty good day to tackle that.  I ended up painting for a solid hour and a half. So much for not standing outside in the sun! I used up an entire quart of primer and barely touched the interior!

Two coats of bright white primer on the roof!
This took way more paint than I thought it would!

I ran out of paint.

I hadn’t planned on painting the entire interior of the camper with primer right now, since there’s still quite a bit to fiberglass and glue into place to the shell.  I did still hope to put a little more down though.  Next time I’m running around town, I need another quart of paint!

That’s it for today! I’m going to hide from the heat and relax a little bit! 🙂