We had a super sweet week down in Oregon hiking, mountain biking, and eating amazing food.  But we’re back home now, and after seeing all the sweet camper vans I’m ready to get back to work on the camper! I’m sure we annoyed the shit out of Rashell by commenting on literally every van and camper we saw and working out the details of our build pretty much nonstop… #sorrynotsorry. 😉

We only had a few hours this afternoon for any real progress, so we decided to finally don all of our safety gear and start sanding the shell to prep for eventual paint. (and to remove all of the sharp pokey fiberglass shards that inevitably get lodged in our hands!) Of course, as soon as we get all geared up, the sun starts beating down.  I guess I’d rather be hot and uncomfortable than covered in fiberglass dust, but still! Come on!!!

I’m so hot….
buckle up for safety…
All sanded… it took way too long…
another view just so I have something to post up.

After we finished sanding we made note of all the spots that needed touch up and minor repairs. (we knew this would happen…) Jason whipped up a batch of epoxy with filler in it and we went to town.

Tomorrow we can sand it all down smooth and maybe even paint the bottom of the camper!