Well, today Jason and I went in to work on our day off to get some overtime money since we will be out gallivanting tomorrow.  That means that instead of the full day of working on the camper we really only had a few hours more than on a usual workday.  Despite the setback we actually got quite a bit done!

Our first task was to lay up the other sides of the main roof panels that we started yesterday.

Here we go.
We had leftovers so I started on the underside of the gasket seal

However, we ran into something I didn’t think would happen: we ran out of resin. 😮 That’s right, we used over 10 gallons of resin on this thing already! We’re so close to being done and we didn’t think we’d need another 5 gallon bucket, so Jason ran down the street to the local West Marine and overpaid for some epoxy.  Epoxy is better and stronger, but it apparently takes longer to dry and doesn’t spread quite the same.

The new stuff with the last piece that we now have enough material to finish

We had some dinner while that dried and then got started on the actual assembly of the roof!  Dad got kicked out of his parking space in the garage for the foreseeable future, but since the epoxy smells about 150% less than the polyester resin we were using, we can actually lay up the roof right there in the garage! 🙂 But first…. GLUE!!!!

We started with the angled front piece because it’s the most important
These triangle pieces weren’t cut to fit perfectly, so we were kind of just winging it, knowing we’re going to have to sand the shit out of it later.
ta da! fancy looking!

Our plan was to fill the gaps in the foam with the expanding foam Gorilla Glue.  Unfortunately we had some pretty big gaps…which means that most of that glue is now happily foaming away on the garage floor. Pretty sure this entire structure is going to be permanently glued to concrete.  Dad may not get his parking space back ever! 😮