The glue from last night’s install of the walls of the camper dried all day in the shed.  Today we got home from work and glued on the floor of the cabover and secured the loose cabover sides to it.  All we’re missing now is the very front cap piece. (still need some trimming and measuring for that one!)

Here are the floppy front cabover bits
The full setup. the piece on the far right is the cabover floor
The table weighs considerably more than the camper does right now.

We decided kind of at the last minute that instead of just having the cabover walls come straight out parallel with the main shell walls, that we wanted them tapered in.  For really no other reason than it would look cool.  So, Jason was right, it does look super cool. I love it!

View from the back
So many little gusset pieces that I have to sand… Tomorrow is going to be rough.
Got ma safety hat on!

Remember that laminated beam we made a few days ago? it’s time to do something with that… So Jason ran to lowes to buy the appropriate saw. (for some reason we only have the handle!?) It looks beefy! This is for the joint right where the cabover meets the shell. We figured that area would see the most stress. I’m not worried about it anymore!

that’ll do!

And, as is standard by this point, every time we finish a major milestone Jason wants to throw the camper in the back of the truck! it’s getting a little heavier and a little harder to hold onto, but we managed.


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That taper really works
adventure ready!
Can’t wait to take this thing out and get some beauty shots of her!
Jason holding the big gusset piece. It really softens up that edge.
I even really dig the offset door!
Super low profile all around. It doesn’t stick out past the bedrails by much at all.

While I didn’t get as much sanding done today as I hoped I would, seeing this thing in the truck looking almost like it should was totally worth it! We have plans for the front of the camper too… it’s not staying square. But it’s a secret for now! 😉

We will have some actual mods to the truck to do before this is fully operational.  The antenna is on the top of the cab.  So that will need to move somewhere. It just unscrews, so that’s easy.  We also have the built in back up camera in the handle of the tailgate.  The tailgate is going to come off when the camper is actually installed, so we’ll have to buy the (totally overpriced!) relocation kit for that.  We will also have to run battery charging power from the truck to the camper, but that’s an entire post in itself.  She’s also almost ready for new tires.  Not necessary for the camper exactly, but I’ve wrestled with broken tires twice now and I want nothing to do with it! I might be doing some shopping on my lunch break tomorrow. 😉