Remember that giant pile of fiberglass from yesterday? It’s time to bite the bullet and lay up all of that.

Most of the pieces cut.
All laid up on one side! we used so much resin…
Did the corners of the shell with some of the extra resin and some strips of the 1708 e-glass
One giant sheet ready for an equally giant sheet of fiberglass.
We’re just going to go ahead and glass these two pieces together
The two wall pieces basking in the sun to dry while we eat lunch

I suppose I lied a little bit. Yesterday after we decided to call it quits, Jason took a shower and came back upstairs and we realized that we were so excited to be done for the day that we failed to actually put anything away. The camper shell is still in the yard, tools scattered in the grass, shed wide open… fail.  I suppose as punishment we decided we should do one more thing since we were out there anyway picking up our mess. Since we already had it fully fiberglassed, we went ahead and glued the upper part of the aft bulkhead in place.  Bracing it was a little odd, but it worked out just fine and it was one less thing to have to do today!

Ta da! It looks just like the other side only taller…
We used the toothpicks to make a brace out of a scrap of foam. Worked perfectly!
We’re not working on it right now, but it sure is nice to have a workbench again!
Aft bulkhead fully glassed in!
That’s a lot of shit going on….
We’re using the shell and door to try and block the afternoon sun from baking us inside the shed.
The walls are done!

So after a day of fiberglass, what have we learned? Large pieces are terrible and I hate them. My hands actually sweat so badly in the rubber gloves that it runs down my arm. Awesome. (and gross.) Also, lots of chemicals in a small storage shed gets pretty pungent.  We had to leave a lot just to get some fresh air.  (good thing we didn’t try to do this in the attached garage!)

All of the pieces for the shell of the camper are done and ready to be glued into place for final assembly!