Yesterday we were busy gluing pieces together and adding the gussets so the fiberglass will bend around the corners.  Last night we got the interior corners of the tub finished up.

these seams worked perfect!

We did learn another lesson the hard way… it takes a lot of time to get those little pieces bent and laying right so by the time we got to the other side, the resin was starting to set up.  It turns into a weird jelly type substance.  We went ahead and poured it on, but it was impossible to spread and we didn’t really get that last seam as wet with resin as we needed to.

that area will be getting another layer of glass anyway for the door.

so at this point all the interior seams are done! yay! BUT the underside of the tub is pretty much untouched.  So it’s time to flip this beast upside down, finish sanding some seams, and begin our day of fiberglass to get that all finished up.

This is by far one of the least weird things we’ve had in our backyard
look at that pretty corner!
Halfway in the shed sitting on some tubs
The back is clamped to a piece of steel to hopefully keep it as flat as possible.
We even cut the other piece for the upper side of the bulkhead!
The piece going on the floor is gigantic so we marked the corners with marker so we could easily get it aligned when we set it in the resin
Might as well get one side of that piece while we’re at it.
Well the floor is done…

This piece was gigantic…and it was a disaster.  The fiberglass is too thick to wrap around edges like a present so the corners are bubbly and it just didn’t work. We will definitely have some fixing to do here.

well shit…

There were actually quite a few places that just didn’t adhere quite right.. so we bit the bullet and cut them out.

this was like a 14″ long section that pulled away…
That whole corner is shit
Time to redo it…

So now that I have all of that cleaned up, it’s time to actually finish covering the bottom of the camper in fiberglass.

We did the bottom edge as one piece. it was a pain in the ass.
On this side, we cut it into two strips with only a small overlap on the edge. Worked WAY better!
All done! now it’s time to let it bake in the sun!

So there we go! the entire lower half of the camper is fully encased in fiberglass! …and jason and I are fully encased in fiberglass dust. My arms are so itchy!!! Either way, we made a TON of progress today!  The camper is starting to get a little heavier and harder to just flip around in the yard. Pretty soon we’re going to have to consider how to tie it into the truck and how to lift it on and off.