The current state of our camper build is nothing but a piece that goes over the bed rails and down into the bed. That’s not even usable as a swimming pool! Needless to say, we need to cut some more panels and make this an actual box.

Panels are cut!
This took a lot of resin for the large fiberglass piece
We decided to lay up both sides of the foam instead of just one. Here they are baking in the sun in the back of the truck.

I love using the toothpicks in the foam! It just holds thing together and makes it super easy.  They just break off and you can sand them flat. They’re actually softer than the foam.  So now we get to shove toothpicks into something other than easy 90 degree angles.  We had a plan to glue the panels in place and then pick up one end at a time to put toothpicks in through the bottom. That didn’t work at all!  I ended up having to shove them in at an angle, sticking out awkwardly. It worked, but it was really shady looking. Since the Gorilla Glue takes 24 hours to fully cure, I decided to just do the inner gusset pieces at the same time so we didn’t have to come back and do that the next day and wait again.  There was SO MUCH GLUE.

Again with the toothpicks. Watch where you put your hands!
All tied and braced up and drying!

So, in reality, the glue sets up hard enough to move around in a few hours.  We couldn’t help ourselves and shoved the complete assembly into the back of the truck to check it out!

NOW we can use it as a swimming pool if it all goes to shit…
Still super low profile just like I wanted!